Wednesday, March 16, 2005
  Welcome Computers are simple

Why did I write this??
1. I'm sick of people thinking that computers are difficult to understand. They're not!
2. Knowledge is power. If you know how something works, you can use it better.
3. Computers are everywhere and it doesn't look like they're going away anytime in the next 100 years.
4. Computers are interesting, once you get to know them.

So, what is a computer?

In one word:
A calculator.

In one sentence:
A quick and powerful calculator that listens and talks to things.

Word by word from above:
Calculator > The only thing it does is mathematics.

Powerful > It can do pretty complex mathematics.

Quick > It can do sums at a rate of about a billion per second.

Listens > Things like keyboards, mice and web-cams give it sums to do.

Talks > It tells things like your monitor, printer and soundcard the answers to those sums.

That's it really. HOW it does this stuff is another story altogether. If you want to know this kind of stuff, leave a comment on this blog and I'll try to answer it.
who's the geek now? ag, but it's all good. at least now i finally know what to do with the keyboard...;-)
Looks like I'm the only geek you know though...(am i really the first person to appreciate what you've done here?)
just happened to visit this blog!

it's interesting and i agree with what you said about computer's application in our daily life, although not completely sure on the part if it's simple or not yet :)
Well, thanks for posting anyway!
nice one Rog, must bookmark this to give those illiterate around us! Maybe even list it on my site!?
Nice ROG. The Illiterate say.. SHOT! Boet. PS.GET ADSL SO WE can shoot you online. HA HA
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